Goldstone – Brown(108 beads on silk thread)

Brown goldstone, with its copper content, is believed to carry many of the metaphysical properties of that metal. It is thought to generate and revitalize energy fields, transmit positivity and divert malevolent energy into the earth. Brown goldstone is associated with the root chakra. Known to be a stone of hope and aspiration, it assists in attaining higher goals. Goldstone is also considered to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive that reduces tension, revitalizes and inspires the wearer with a positive attitude. 

Goldstone specializes in overcoming emotional distress and removing the burden of negative energies from your head. Naturally, this calming gemstone cures you, and psychologically, it enables you to embrace great qualities and create a balance in your life and happiness. Every day wear or use it as a japamala, it helps not only in your spiritual growth and enhancement but equally optimism, pleasure, and enjoyment.

The therapeutic qualities of Goldstone can aid in the detoxification of the system. They can also serve to reinforce the cardiovascular and neurological systems. ​ The medicinal qualities of Goldstone can help with tissue repair and bone density. It can also help to relieve the aches of rheumatism. It's been shown to help with irritation, as well as guard against germs and infections. Goldstone's powers may also be beneficial to people with cancer since they may aid with the treatments such as chemotherapy.This gemstone brings you closer to the Creator while also providing you with vitality, knowledge, and bravery. It helps you understand and communicate more effectively.


How to Use a Mala for Mantra Japa Japa malas are traditionally used during the practice of japa, or mantra repetition. It is important to hold the mala in the right hand, draped over either the third or fourth finger. Amma recommends using the fourth, or ring finger. Start with the bead immediately adjacent to the guru bead and tassel. Use your thumb to pull the mala over your ring finger (towards your body), one bead for each mantra. So as you chant each mantra, you hold one bead gently between the thumb and ring finger. As you finish each mantra, pull the mala towards you with the thumb, and then hold the next bead. When you reach the guru bead again, you know you have completed 108 recitations. If you will be continuing your japa, it's important to switch the mala around before starting the next round, so that the last bead you held becomes the first bead held for the next round.

When you recite mantras, the powerful energy of the sacred seed sounds causes a lot of purification to take place. As the negativity is purified, it must be released. Switching the mala around helps in this process of releasing negativity. If you don't switch the mala around, a practice known as "crossing the guru bead," negativity can actually build up. So in order to ensure maximum purification and spiritual progress, make sure not to cross the guru beads

For more information on the use and care of japa malas, please see The Spiritual Significance of Malas and Murtis.

Collections: Malas

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