Green Jade Sri Chakra 2

The Green Jade Sri Chakra holds deep devotional, spiritual, and cosmic significance within Hinduism, particularly in the context of the Sri Vidya tradition. The Sri Chakra, or Sri Yantra, is a sacred geometric diagram representing the cosmic power of the Divine Mother, Lalita Tripurasundari. 

Devotionally, the Green Jade Sri Chakra is revered as a symbol of divine grace, abundance, and spiritual growth. Devotees worship it with reverence and devotion, seeking blessings for prosperity, protection, and liberation from suffering. The green jade's soothing energy enhances the sense of connection with the divine, fostering a deeper spiritual bond with the Divine Mother.  

Spiritually, the Green Jade Sri Chakra embodies the principles of creation, preservation, and dissolution, representing the cosmic energies of Shiva and Shakti in perfect harmony. Meditating on the Sri Chakra is believed to lead to profound spiritual insights, inner peace, and self-realization. The green jade's calming influence facilitates a harmonious alignment of the mind, body, and spirit, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment. 

Cosmically, the Green Jade Sri Chakra serves as a portal to the cosmic consciousness, connecting worshippers to the divine energies of the universe. It aligns the individual's consciousness with the cosmic order, facilitating the manifestation of divine blessings and promoting unity with the universal flow of energy.

By merely sitting in the presence of a Green Sri Chakra, one can purify and awaken all the thousand major and minor chakras within the body. The profound cosmic energy imbued within this sanctified Sri Chakra infuses any space it occupies, including your home, with the sacred vibrations of the Divine Mother, fostering a reverential atmosphere charged with spiritual energy.

Overall, the ​Green Sri Chakra embodies the synthesis of spiritual wisdom, devotional fervor, and cosmic energy, making it a potent symbol of divine grace and abundance.

Please Note: As all murtis are meticulously handcrafted in India, each item is imbued with its own unique characteristics, and thus may vary slightly from the depiction shown in the picture.

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