It was during the churning of the ocean or Samudra Manthan between the Asuras and Devas, that the Amrita – the Nectar of Immortality emerged out in a Kalash –– the symbol of immortality as it (Kalash) contained Amrita.
It is believed that Kalash is the embodiment of all the gods. It can create subtle vibrations, which can purify and enhance our vitalities. Hindu deities Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, and Goddess Lakshmi, hold a Kalash in their hands.It is also believed that Kalash is the personification of Lord Ganesha –– remover of obstacles from our lives, and Gauri Devi personified as goddess of household bounty. It represents abundance and wisdom. It also represents our chakras. It helps in stabilising the energy flow through our bodies as well. The vibrations emanating from it can cure any blockage or excess of vitalizations in our bodies. The base of the metal vessel represents the Muladhara or root chakra. Mango or betel leaves used in it keep the deity seated. The water in it can keep it purified for a long time. The water in the Kalash represents the way for creation. Coconut can attract divine principles and transmit it to the water. Coconut is a symbolic representation of the three-eyed Lord Shiva. The head of the coconut signifies the Sahasrara or crown chakra. The Mango leaves and coconut are the depiction of different creations in the universe.The mouth and throat of the Kalsh are the seats of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, and Lord Brahma. Its belly is the abode of the divine mother.The thread around the neck of the Kalash is the symbol of the love that binds everyone. As per Vasthu Shastra, when Kalash is placed facing the Northern direction, It can invite prosperity, positivity, and wisdom.
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Agarbatti, incense sticks are an essential part of any Hindu offerings during prayers. The ritual or burning incense is incredibly symbolic in Hinduism. Offering Incense sticks has been an ancient practice. Incense sticks burn...
Agarbatti, incense sticks are an essential part of any Hindu offerings during prayers. The ritual or burning incense is incredibly symbolic in Hinduism. Offering Incense sticks has been an ancient practice....
Agarbatti, incense sticks are an essential part of any Hindu offerings during prayers. The ritual or burning incense is incredibly symbolic in Hinduism. Offering Incense sticks has been an ancient practice....