Magha Masam Chaturdasi – Maha Shivaratri special pujas - All Day Seva Mar. 1, 2022

On Maha ShivaRatri, the full grace of Lord Shiva showers down on the Earth.

On this auspicious Magha masam, Chaturdasi – Maha Shivaratri special pujas are  performed all day

  • Brahmi muhurta puja and abhishekam to Marakata(jade) Sri panchamukha Arunchala Shiva
  • Abhishekam to  Marakata Shiva lingam with 108 Daskhnavarti shankas(conches) with 108 river waters, Pancha jalas abhishekam, milk  abhishekam and Viibhuti abhishekam and Bilva abhishekam.
  • Evening special abhishekam to Sri Siva lingam by her holiness, ashtotram to Sri Shiva lingam with bilva, white lotus, pearls and golden lotus. 
  • Special vibhuti abhishekam to Lord shiva during brahmi muhurta by her holiness.

Before each homa or puja is performed in Amma's Lalita Temple, a "sankalpa" is recited in Sanskrit, a divinely powerful language. During the sankalpa, the names of all the sponsors are recited. Amma assures us that when we are included in a sankalpa, we become spiritually connected to the power of the divine ceremony and receive its full benefits immediately, just as if we were physically present.

Special Instructions for Sponsorship Orders PLEASE NOTE: Any order for this sponsorship must be received no later than  6:30 am (EST) Feb 28

  • It is not necessary to list all family members' names, as they will automatically receive blessings through the sponsor. If known, please also include family Gotra and Nakshatras for each name listed in the sankalpa.
  • You will receive the blessed prasadam in the mail. Please be aware that it may take several weeks to receive your prasadam, since it is being mailed from India.

Collections: Festival Sponsorships

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