Magha Masam – Special (Trayodasi) pradosha vratam - All Day Seva Feb, 28, 2022

On Maha ShivaRatri, the full grace of Lord Shiva showers down on the Earth.

Auspicious Magha masam Special (Trayodasi) pradosha vratam 

  • Brahma muhurta puja and abhishekam to Marakata(jade) Sri panchamukha Arunchala Shiva
  • Abhishekam to  Marakata Shiva lingam with 108 Daskhnavarti shankas(conches) with 108 river waters, Pancha jalas abhishekam, milk   abhishekam and Viibhuti abhishekam and Bilva abhishekam.
  • Pradosha Samaya pujas
  • Sri Mruthyunjaya homa Sri Shiva panchakshari homa, Rudra trishati homa, Shiva sahasranama homa
  • Ashtotram to Sri Shiva lingam with bilva, white lotus, pearls and golden lotus. 

Before each homa or puja is performed in Amma's Lalita Temple, a "sankalpa" is recited in Sanskrit, a divinely powerful language. During the sankalpa, the names of all the sponsors are recited. Amma assures us that when we are included in a sankalpa, we become spiritually connected to the power of the divine ceremony and receive its full benefits immediately, just as if we were physically present.

Special Instructions for Sponsorship Orders

  • PLEASE NOTE: Any order for this sponsorship must be received no later than  6:30 am (EST) Feb 27.
  • You will receive the blessed prasadam in the mail. Please be aware that it may take several weeks to receive your prasadam, since it is being mailed from India.

Collections: Festival Sponsorships

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