Whether worshipped or simply kept in your home, an amethyst Sri Kurma will create a transformative atmosphere of peace and purity. In such an atmosphere, heaviness and negativity is cleared and lifted away, emotional pain is transmuted, and you begin to open to higher levels of divine consciousness. Amethyst is a beautiful and sacred crystal that cleanses, heals, and gently opens the sahasrara chakra to the higher realms of wisdom and intuition, leading to greater divine knowledge.
The Sri Kurma represents the Supreme Divine Shakti in her formless aspect, allowing us to worship the vast ocean of divine consciousness and light in a small form within our homes. Sri Kurma represents Divine Mother. The shape of the Sri Kurma is reminiscent of the human aura, and therefore it resonates strongly with our own energy body. Worshipping a Sri Kurma, we draw down cosmic energy into ourselves for healing, purification, and expansion of divine consciousness. Through the sacred science of puja, the same offerings that we pour over Sri Kurma are poured over our own heads in subtle form.
This cosmic nectar is absorbed through the crown chakra and then spreads throughout the subtle body, bringing peace, healing and spiritual upliftment. Divine Shakti gives powerful blessings in any form, but in the amethyst form, her blessings take on the special vibration of amethyst. In this form, Mother Divine Shakti will help you to gently release the fears that hold you back, The more prayers, love and worship you offer to this lovely amethyst Sri Kurma, the more you will experience Divine Mother's divine consciousness as your own.
Please Note: Since all murtis are handcrafted in India, each item is unique and may vary slightly from the picture shown.
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