Red Cotton Diya Wicks

Diya/lamp is essential in Hinduism because it signifies purity, goodness, good luck and power. The presence of light means the non-existence of darkness and negative forces.Lamps are lit and have them face the north direction of the house to weaken those negative forces. There is a deeper significance to the lamp.

Lighting lamp in North direction brings wealth and prosperity. One is blessed with 8 kinds of wealth or Ashta aishwaryas of Goddess Lakshmi who empowers her devotees, giving them luxuries in the form of wealth.

The organic ghee and the flame signifies Goddess Lakshmi who blesses us with wealth, the brightness of the flame resemble Goddess Saraswati who blesses us with education and knowledge and the heat from the flame signifies Goddess Durga who burns away and destroys all negative doshas

Organic ghee/clarified butter in the diya symbolizes the pollution in the human mind — such as greed, jealousy, hatred, lust — which human beings tend to nurture.

The cotton wick is symbolic of the atman or the self or the soul.

The lamp itself presents light when the ghee is burnt by the wick. Hence, lighting of the diyas signifies that one needs to rise from “I”ness and materialistic thoughts. This frees one from all forms of sadness, guiding the path to enlightenment and to connect with the Supreme Being. 

Since the light of a ghee lamp is believed to bring in prosperity, knowledge and wisdom so it is believed that we invite the divine to come and bless us with good fortune by lighting the lamp and offering to Divine!


Collections: Devi Navaratri, Puja Items

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